Virtually every aspect of today’s business and legal world is enabled or facilitated by technology.  Every minute of every day, a company’s most valuable and sensitive commercial information, and that of its clients and customers is held on or passes through multiple systems; some the company may have control of, some it doesn’t and each a potential target for cyber attack.

This one hour session will cover the practical implications and lessons learned from recent breaches,  proposed regulations and regulatory actions as well as an overview of the current state of the cyber  insurance market.

The presentation is tailored for in-house legal professionals, senior business people and corporate officers and directors.

Speakers include KYL Associate Sean Cooney and CIO/CISO Justin Hectus.

This invitation only seminar will last one hour and will be followed by cocktails and conversation.

If you are interested in attending, please email

* For any lawyers attending, please note that Cyber Risk, Regulation and Insurance – The Business End is approved for 1 hour of general MCLE credit.  It does not satisfy legal ethics, elimination of bias or detection/prevention of substance abuse/mental illness requirements.

Keesal, Young & Logan is a California State Bar approved MCLE provider.