On Friday, Oct. 21, 2011, KYL Partner Jon Zinke will speak at the annual maritime seminar, “To The Future,” presented by the Hong Kong branch of The Nautical Institute.

The 2011 seminar will address the key issues of the future of the Port, managing future risks and security issues and other pressures on the seafarer with the aim of provoking discussion on the problems and solutions.

As a resident KYL partner in Hong Kong, Zinke will be giving a 30-minute presentation on maritime security issues, titled “Collecting Evidence in The Electronic Age.”

A PDF of the seminar agenda can be downloaded here.

More on The Nautical Institutes Hong Kong Branch:
As one of the 40 branches of the Nautical Institute, the Hong Kong Branch strives to provide a local focus for maritime professionals and like-minded individuals. Through presentations, seminars, social gatherings and support for local maritime industry initiatives, they promote professional knowledge, communicate concern, initiate discussion on current professional challenges and provide forum for social networking. Visit their website: http://www.nautinsthk.com/branch.html