Big changes came to a small school in El Pital, El Salvador in 2008, when Keesal Young & Logan donated 32 refurbished computers to the remote educational facility just outside the city.

KYL orchestrated the project in conjunction with a Non-Governmental Organization—which delivered the computers to the site free of charge.  Former KYL employee Ben Williams—who recently returned from his two-year Peace Corp mission in El Salvador—witnessed the fruition of KYL’s technology donation and its profound effect on the region’s youth.

In an e-mail shared with his fellow employees at the beginning of the project Williams wrote, “These computers are going to change lives here.  They will provide new learning avenues for kids who don’t do well in the traditional system…KYL has set in motion the resolution of a number of serious problems [in El Salvador], and has done a good deed for many years to come.”

Now, just two years later, the computers have certainly improved the learning conditions for the facility’s students. The El Pital school has developed a flourishing computer lab and library—daily preparing students for a tech-savvy world once beyond their reach. In commemoration of Williams’ long-term dedication to the project, the locals have named the facility in his honor.

In effect, a thoughtful gesture on behalf of the firm has blossomed into a thriving educational opportunity for hundreds of children.  KYL is proud to foster education in such a unique, environmentally sustainable way.

The El Pital facility was just one of many to receive KYL computers after the firm’s last two company-wide upgrades. These mutually beneficial donations display KYL’s continued commitment to sustainable re-use and lasting charitable efforts at home and abroad.

Keesal, Young & Logan Charitable Foundation