Reprinted in part from the Press Telegram.

by Shirley Wild

The law firm of Keesal, Young & Logan has earned an enviable reputation of being one of the very best hosts in town.

Its hospitality is renowned. Less known, however, is its equally outstanding tradition of generously giving back to the community. Its year-round generosity is felt by a range of charitable organizations, particularly the Boys & Girls Clubs.

During the holiday season KYL’s giving knows no bounds. Several families are adopted by the entire staff: holiday meals, toys, bicycles, clothing. You name it they give it, quietly.

Not so quiet is the fun-loving throng that enjoys the lively kick-off for the holiday season on the 13th floor of the Union Bank building, overlooking the city lights.

There is an enthusiasm and cheer that travels from one to the other as old and new friends meet to enjoy the beautiful ambiance. Delicious dining is created by Chef William Hall and his staff, with particular attention to detail by a cheerful and efficient staff under the direction of Kelli Gardener, Julie Pearce and majordomo Richard Brown.

It all starts at the top with hosts Skip and Beth Keesal who somehow remember everyone’s name as they “meet and greet” the 400 or so party-goers. Guests are plied with tray-passed hors d’oeuvres, food and libation stations , adorned with ice sculptures. The risotto station is one of the favorites, the sushi station another.

On another floor is the seafood display with crab claws, lobster sliders and shrimp. The dessert tables were works of art, too good to be missed. Floral displays abound, created by Rainbows. It was, as always, a lovely way to begin the holiday season.

Seen at the scene: L.A. County Supervisor Don and Julie Knabe, Mayor Robert Garcia, Steve Goodling, Cheri Bazley, John and Alice Wallace, Barbie Barker and Don Litterst, Don and Cindy Rodriguez, Nancy Gaines, Martha and Tino Bernadett, John and Michelle Molina, Mark Taylor, Richard Dines, Doug Drummond, Stacy Mungo, Beverly O’Neill, Mari Hooper, Anne Cramer, Tonia and Roberto Uranga, Steve Faichney, Matthew and Roberta Jenkins, Tom Modica, Bob Shannon, Charles and Therese Parkin, Mort and Susan Stuhlbarg, Skip Volke, Mike and Arline Walter, city manager Pat West, Jeff Winklepleck, Amy Bodek, Sarah Sangmeister, David Tong, Steve Keesal, Gary Taylor and Darlene Dameron.