WASHINGTON, D.C. Aug 10, 2009 – Former Speaker of the House and General Chairman of American Solutions, Newt Gingrich, recently honored Skip Keesal, Founding Partner of Keesal, Young & Logan as American Solutions’ 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year from California. Speaker Gingrich recognized Mr. Keesal at an American Solutions awards dinner on July 21, 2009 at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington.

“While Washington politicians are busy pushing for job-killing health care and energy taxes, it’s important that successful businessmen like Skip are recognized for doing what it takes to create jobs. America is nearing 10% unemployment, and creating new jobs is necessary for economic recovery. Unlike Washington, business leaders like Mr. Keesal realize that America does not work if Americans are not working. I look forward to working with Skip on advancing real solutions to help create more jobs and get our economy moving again.”

About American Solutions: American Solutions is a tri-partisan citizen action network of over 1.5 Million members. Its goal is to create the next generation of solutions that will ensure that the United States remains the safest, freest and most prosperous country in the world. Its General Chairman is Speaker Newt Gingrich.

– American Solutions Press Release